2/18/2020 Forecast Update
Tuesday, February 18th, 2020 through Monday, February 24th, 2020
PM-2.5: 24-hour average Fine Particulate concentrations will mostly Good through the work week with the chance of Low Moderates during the weekend.
Low Moderates in the Southeast Michigan area should be cleaned, during Tuesday, on the heels of a cold front passing through the state. A secondary cold front will pass during the Tuesday night/Wednesday morning time frame, reinforcing that clean-out.
Wednesday and Thursday Air Quality should be Good with persisting cold, clean, northwest winds as a large high pressure system drifts eastward.
By Friday, the center of high pressure will have drifted far enough eastward to place the forecast region back under southwest winds. With those winds, we will see increasing temperatures and humidity along with creeping fine particulates. During Saturday, most of the state will likely experience some Low Moderate concentrations, which should continue into Sunday.
Low pressure, to our south, will drift eastward on Monday putting the state under a northeast wind pattern. This wind shift should clean out most of the lingering particulates.
Air Quality should be mostly Good to Low Moderate going into the next work week.