What Can I Do in the Workplace?
Keep all machinery and vehicles well tuned.
Allow telecommuting, compressed workweeks, conference calls, and flextime in order to eliminate or stagger commuting trips.
Help your local electric utilities reduce air pollution by conserving energy at the office. Set the thermostat a little higher in the summer. Participate in your local utilities' load-sharing and energy conservation programs.
Encourage carpooling among employees. Offer financial incentives for those willing to share rides, or reserve prime parking spaces.
Advocate the use of public transportation. Some companies subsidize bus tickets for their employees on a regular basis.
Institute casual dress day as an incentive or reward for employees who commute to work by foot or bicycle.
Brown bag your lunch, or walk, instead of driving to a restaurant.
Reschedule lawn and landscape maintenance, parts cleaning, and/or spray painting, to non-Clean Air Action Days, or wait until evening hours.
Refuel fleet vehicles during evening hours, either on the day before or on a spring or summer Clean Air Action Day.
Keep employees aware of the Clean Air Action effort by publishing articles in the employee newsletter; posting awareness signs at exits, break rooms, and copy rooms; broadcasting when a Clean Air Action Day has been called; or having a letter from the CEO establishing the organization's commitment to improving air quality.