FORECAST SUMMARY: Tuesday, January 25th, 2022, through Monday, January 31st, 2022
PM-2.5: 24-hour average Fine Particulate levels will be mostly Good, with only scattered low Moderates possible during the week; more widespread Moderates may develop late in the forecast period.
Snow showers are in the forecast Monday due to a clipper system tracking across the region. Then, a cool northwest flow keeps scattered lake effect snow in the forecast Tuesday into Wednesday. Winds switch to a southwesterly component for a short time Wednesday ahead of a cold front passing Thursday/Friday. The boundary will bring snow showers back in the forecast, along with reinforcing cold air over the region. As for air quality, aside from a few locations reaching low Moderate, stagnant and/or warmer conditions don’t look to set up which would increase fine particulate. Instead, there will be a predominate northwest upper-level flow through the week with disturbances bringing on and off chances for snow. There will be a few periods of southerly winds however, these times are short-lived and shouldn’t significantly increase pollution levels. Fine particulate levels during the week will range mostly Good with scattered low Moderates possible around mid-week. Any increase in readings Wednesday or early Thursday will improve to Good on Friday.
Extended forecast models show cold high pressure moving in for the weekend. This system will decrease winds both at the surface and upper levels. Fine particulate should start the weekend Good, but the chance for more widespread Moderate concentrations will increase early next week.
Next Forecast update: Monday, January 31st, 2022