02/21/2025 Forecast Update

FORECAST SUMMARY: Friday, February 21, 2025, through Monday, February 24, 2025

PM-2.5:  24-hour average Fine Particulate concentrations are expected to transition from mostly Good (AQI Green) early in the forecast period to Low Moderate (AQI Yellow) for the remainder of the forecast period.


Yesterday (Thursday) marked the “one-month-until-Spring” date.  With the unseasonably cold weather we have been experiencing of late, it brings hope of warmer weather and longer days to come.  In fact, depending on how you view it, Spring could come even sooner.  A recent conversation with my work colleagues brought up the topic of different definitions of Spring. 

The traditional Spring season, called Astronomical Spring, begins with the vernal equinox that will occur on March 20, 2025.  But meteorologists recognize March 1 as the first day of Meteorological Spring, which is based on annual temperature cycles and the Gregorian calendar.  While it will not make anything warmer, it feels good to think one definition of Spring will occur one week from tomorrow (Saturday).

In fact, we will begin a warming period, starting this weekend.  Sunday should be the first day that most of Michigan Lower Peninsula heads north of the freezing mark.  The warming cycle continues into the first half of next week with temperatures reaching into the 40’s. 

With the warming temperatures comes the snow melt.  The added moisture to the atmosphere acts as a catalyst for the growth of fine particulates.  As such, the Good Air Quality, experienced during the recent cold snap, will give way to Low Moderate Air Quality conditions.  This cycle will likely persist through most of next week.


 Air Quality is expected to be mostly Low Moderate going into the next week.